What is one theme of the story?

O It is essential to find a passion in order to be sure one loves one's work.
O It is important to be thoughtful about how one spends one's time.
O Family is always more important than one's outside activities.
O Pursuing the arts will bring joy and happiness to one's life.
10 pts

O It is important to be thoughtful about how one spends one's time.

The theme of the story is: O It is important to be thoughtful about how one spends one's time.

To determine the theme of a story, it is important to analyze the events, characters, and messages conveyed throughout the narrative. Here's how you can identify the theme:

1. Read or review the story: Start by reading the story carefully or re-reading specific sections or passages that may highlight important ideas.

2. Identify the main ideas: Look for recurring concepts, motifs, or situations that challenge characters or drive the plot forward. Consider the actions, conflicts, and resolutions that occur within the story.

3. Look for underlying messages: Consider the author's intentions and ask yourself what the story is trying to communicate about human nature, society, relationships, or other relevant topics. Pay attention to the emotions and reactions evoked by the story.

4. Evaluate the character's growth or change: Examine how the characters develop throughout the story. Do they learn any lessons or undergo transformations? This can provide insights into the story's theme.

Based on the given options, the most appropriate theme would be:

• It is important to be thoughtful about how one spends one's time.

This theme is supported by the idea that it is crucial for individuals to be conscious of how they allocate their time and energy.