Use the parapgrah to answer the question: "Jay, a fantastic artist, created and gave paintings to his teachers each Item 12 month. They eagerly awaited Jay's paintings each month, and were always excited to see what he would bring them next. His teachers each proudly displayed his beautiful art in their classrooms!"

Which word is a synonym for the underlined word in the passage?
(1 point)

A. Awful
B. Poor
C. Talented
D. Decent

C. Talented

The word "fantastic" in the paragraph is a synonym for the underlined word.

To find the answer, we need to identify the synonym for the underlined word in the passage. The underlined word is "fantastic."

To determine the correct answer, we can analyze the context in which the word is used. The passage describes Jay as an artist who created and gave paintings to his teachers every month. It also states that his teachers eagerly awaited his paintings and were excited to see them. This implies that Jay's artistic skills are highly valued and appreciated.

The synonym for "fantastic" in this context would be a word that conveys high praise, skill, and excellence.

Looking at the answer choices, "awful" and "poor" are antonyms of the underlined word and do not fit the context. "Decent" is a weaker word and does not convey the same level of talent as "fantastic."

Therefore, the correct answer is C. "Talented" which is a synonym for "fantastic."