which of the following is an example of a "push factor for european immigration to united states"(which of these would "push" people out of their country?

a) economic opportunities
b) freedom of religion
c) ongoing famines across europe(famine = mass starvation)
d) political freedoms

c) ongoing famines across Europe (famine = mass starvation)

The correct answer is:

c) ongoing famines across Europe (famine = mass starvation)

A push factor for European immigration to the United States refers to something that "pushes" or motivates people to leave their country of origin. In the case of ongoing famines across Europe, the mass starvation and lack of food would serve as a strong push factor for individuals to seek better living conditions and opportunities in the United States.

To determine which of the following is an example of a "push factor for European immigration to the United States," we need to identify an option that represents something that would "push" or drive people out of their own country. Let's analyze each option:

a) Economic opportunities: This option represents a "pull factor" rather than a "push factor." Economic opportunities would attract people to migrate to another country, rather than driving them out of their own.

b) Freedom of religion: Like economic opportunities, freedom of religion is also a "pull factor." It would encourage individuals who seek a particular religious environment to migrate to a different country, rather than being a factor that pushes them out.

c) Ongoing famines across Europe: This option represents a "push factor" since famines, which result in mass starvation, are circumstances that would force people to leave their country in search of food, survival, and better living conditions. Therefore, this is a valid example of a push factor for European immigration to the United States.

d) Political freedoms: This option is more of a "pull factor" since political freedoms are likely to attract individuals who seek a more liberal or democratic environment. It would not directly push people out of their country.

Based on these considerations, the correct answer would be c) ongoing famines across Europe.