the earliest immigrants from china came to what region of the united states?

a) the farms in the midwest
b) the west coast of california
c) the deserts in the southwest
d) the cities in the northeast

b) the west coast of California

The earliest immigrants from China came to the region of the United States known as b) the west coast of California.

To determine the answer to your question, we can break down the options and eliminate the ones that are less likely.

a) The farms in the Midwest: While there were significant Chinese immigrant populations in the Midwest later on, such as in places like Chicago, this was not the region where the earliest Chinese immigrants arrived.

c) The deserts in the Southwest: Similar to the Midwest, the deserts in the Southwest were not the primary destinations for the earliest Chinese immigrants.

d) The cities in the Northeast: Although there were Chinese immigrants who settled in cities like New York and Boston, this was also not the region where the earliest Chinese immigrants arrived.

Therefore, by the process of elimination, we can conclude that the earliest immigrants from China came to the west coast of California, which is option b). This is because during the mid-19th century, California experienced a significant influx of Chinese immigrants due to the California Gold Rush and later on, the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad. Many Chinese immigrants settled in cities like San Francisco and established thriving communities there.