A student is investigating how temperature affects bacteria growth. The student adds equal amounts of the same kind of bacteria to four separate petri dishes (1, 2, 3, 4). She puts each petri dish in a separate container, each set at a different temperature. She observes and records the total number of bacteria colonies after 36 hours. She summarizes her data in a table.

,begin bold,Petri Dish,end bold, 1 2 3 4
,begin bold,Temperature ,end bold,(° Celsius) 30 40 50 60
,begin bold,Number of Colonies,end bold, 9 12 18 28
Which graph ,begin emphasis,best,end emphasis, displays the relationship between temperature and the number of bacterial colonies?

Answer options with 4 options
A pie chart labeled Temperature in degrees Celsius Versus Number of Colonies shows the number of colonies in four sections of the pie chart.

A line graph.Short description, A line graph.,Long description,
A line graph is labeled with Number of Colonies on the x-axis and Temperature in degrees Celsius on the y-axis. The line starts at (9, 30), curves upward sharply, then levels off at (28, 60).

A double bar graph.Short description, A double bar graph.,Long description,
A double bar graph showing Temperature and Number of Colonies. The horizontal axis goes from 1 to 4 and the vertical axis goes from 0 to 70. Temperature starts at 30, and number of colonies starts at 9. Both bars increase steadily.

A line graph.

The answer is not provided.

The correct answer is D. A line graph.

A line graph is the most suitable way to display the relationship between temperature and the number of bacterial colonies. It can show the trend and pattern of how the number of colonies changes with different temperatures.

In this case, the line graph would have the Number of Colonies on the y-axis and Temperature in degrees Celsius on the x-axis. The graph would start at (30, 9) and continue to (40, 12), (50, 18), and (60, 28). This would show the increase in the number of colonies as the temperature increases.

To determine the best graph to display the relationship between temperature and the number of bacterial colonies, we need to analyze the given data.

The table presents the temperature in degrees Celsius (30, 40, 50, 60) and the corresponding number of colonies (9, 12, 18, 28).

Option A, a pie chart, is not suitable because it is not appropriate for displaying continuous data like temperature and number of colonies. Pie charts are typically used for displaying proportions or percentages of categorical data.

Option C, a line graph, starts at (9, 30) and curves sharply upward before leveling off at (28, 60). This representation accurately displays the relationship between temperature (y-axis) and the number of colonies (x-axis) and shows that as the temperature increases, the number of colonies also increases. Therefore, option C is a strong candidate.

Option B, a double bar graph, is not ideal because it does not accurately represent the continuous relationship between temperature and the number of colonies. A bar graph is better suited for comparing discrete categories, rather than displaying a continuous relationship.

Option D is invalid and incomplete. It does not provide a description of the graph.

Based on the given options, option C, a line graph, is the best choice for displaying the relationship between temperature and the number of bacterial colonies.