Mercury, Venus, and Earth are the three planets closest to the sun. Would their combined distance from the sun be greater or less than the distance from the sun to Neptune? Show your work and justify your answer.

To determine whether the combined distance from the sun to Mercury, Venus, and Earth is greater or less than the distance from the sun to Neptune, we need to compare their distances.

The average distance between the sun and Mercury is approximately 36 million miles (57.9 million kilometers).

The average distance between the sun and Venus is approximately 67.2 million miles (108.2 million kilometers).

The average distance between the sun and Earth is approximately 93 million miles (149.6 million kilometers).

Adding these distances together, we get:

36 million miles + 67.2 million miles + 93 million miles = 196.2 million miles

So, the combined distance from the sun to Mercury, Venus, and Earth is approximately 196.2 million miles.

The average distance between the sun and Neptune is approximately 2.7 billion miles (4.3 billion kilometers).

Comparing the distances, we can see that the combined distance from the sun to Mercury, Venus, and Earth (196.2 million miles) is significantly smaller than the distance from the sun to Neptune (2.7 billion miles).

Therefore, the distance from the sun to Neptune is greater than the combined distance from the sun to Mercury, Venus, and Earth.

actually can you convert this equation into km? 36 million miles + 67.2 million miles + 93 million miles = 196.2 million miles

Sure! Let's convert the equation into kilometers.

1 mile is approximately equal to 1.60934 kilometers.

So, to convert the distance from miles to kilometers, we need to multiply the number of miles by 1.60934.

36 million miles * 1.60934 km/mi = 57.93624 million kilometers
67.2 million miles * 1.60934 km/mi = 108.095248 million kilometers
93 million miles * 1.60934 km/mi = 149.66802 million kilometers

Now, let's add these converted distances together:

57.93624 million kilometers + 108.095248 million kilometers + 149.66802 million kilometers = 315.699508 million kilometers

Therefore, the combined distance from the sun to Mercury, Venus, and Earth is approximately 315.699508 million kilometers.

If Earth was 10 times farther away from the sun than it is now, which planet would it be closest to? (Assume all the planets are aligned with the sun and are on the same side of the sun.) Compare Earth's new distance to that planet. How far apart would they be in standard notation? How far apart in scientific notation? Show your work.

If Earth was 10 times farther away from the sun than it is now, we can calculate its new distance and compare it to the distances of the other planets.

The average distance between the sun and Earth currently is approximately 93 million miles (149.6 million kilometers).

If Earth was 10 times farther away, the new distance would be:

93 million miles * 10 = 930 million miles

Now, let's compare Earth's new distance (930 million miles) to the distances of the other planets.

The average distance between the sun and Mercury is approximately 36 million miles (57.9 million kilometers).
The average distance between the sun and Venus is approximately 67.2 million miles (108.2 million kilometers).

Comparing Earth's new distance to those of Mercury and Venus, we can see that Earth would be closer to Venus.

To find the distance between Earth (930 million miles) and Venus (67.2 million miles), we subtract their distances:

930 million miles - 67.2 million miles = 862.8 million miles

In standard notation, Earth and Venus would be 862.8 million miles apart if Earth was 10 times farther away from the sun.

In scientific notation, this distance is 8.628 × 10^8 miles.

in km

To convert the distances from miles to kilometers, we know that 1 mile is approximately equal to 1.60934 kilometers.

The current average distance between the sun and Earth is approximately 149.6 million kilometers.

If Earth was 10 times farther away from the sun, the new distance would be:

149.6 million kilometers * 10 = 1.496 billion kilometers

Comparing Earth's new distance (1.496 billion kilometers) to the distances of the other planets:

The average distance between the sun and Mercury is approximately 57.9 million kilometers.
The average distance between the sun and Venus is approximately 108.2 million kilometers.

Comparing Earth's new distance to those of Mercury and Venus, we can see that Earth would be closer to Venus.

To find the distance between Earth (1.496 billion kilometers) and Venus (108.2 million kilometers), we subtract their distances:

1.496 billion kilometers - 108.2 million kilometers = 1.3888 billion kilometers

In standard notation, Earth and Venus would be 1.3888 billion kilometers apart if Earth was 10 times farther away from the sun.

In scientific notation, this distance is 1.3888 × 10^9 kilometers.