Which describes a power that the national government has that states do not have?(1 point)



creating courts
creating courts

making laws
making laws

coining money
coining money

coining money

The answer is "coining money".

The correct answer is "coining money." This is a power that the national government has that states do not have. To arrive at this answer, it is important to understand the division of powers in the United States between the federal government and state governments, as outlined in the Constitution. One way to find the answer is to have a basic knowledge of the powers granted to the national government, commonly referred to as enumerated powers. These powers are specifically listed in the Constitution. Another approach is to understand the concept of federalism, where certain powers are reserved for the national government while others are reserved for the states. In this case, the power to coin money is explicitly given to the national government in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution.