which ancient kingdom was located on the nile river valley?

The ancient kingdom that was located on the Nile River valley is Ancient Egypt.

The ancient kingdom located on the Nile River Valley is Ancient Egypt.

The ancient kingdom located on the Nile River valley is Egypt. To arrive at this answer, one can start by identifying the key elements provided in the question: "ancient kingdom" and "Nile River valley."

First, it is important to know that the Nile River is the longest river in Africa and is divided into two main parts: the White Nile and the Blue Nile. The Nile River valley refers to the area surrounding the Nile, which stretches from Sudan in the south to Egypt in the north.

Second, using the term "ancient kingdom," we can narrow down the possibilities to several ancient civilizations that thrived in the Nile River valley. However, Egypt stands out as the most prominent ancient kingdom in this region.

Egypt was a civilization that flourished along the Nile from around 3100 BCE to 30 BCE. The Nile River played a crucial role in the sustenance and development of ancient Egypt. It provided fertile soil for agriculture, transportation, trade routes, and a stable water source for the civilization.

Hence, based on the crucial information provided and considering the historical significance of Egypt's location along the Nile River valley, the answer to your question is Egypt.