Choose the possessive adjective that would match each phrase. This adjective must match the person it belongs to AND match the noun (in gender and number).

his comb

suyas míos suyo nuestra tuyos


The possessive adjective that matches the phrase "his comb" is "suyo."

To determine the correct possessive adjective that matches the phrase "his comb," we need to consider the gender and number of the noun.

First, we need to identify the gender and number of the noun "comb." In Spanish, "comb" is a masculine singular noun.

Now let's consider the possessive pronouns in the choices:

- "suyas" is the feminine plural form, so it does not match the masculine singular noun "comb."
- "míos" is the masculine plural form, so it does not match the masculine singular noun "comb."
- "suyo" is the masculine singular form, so it matches the gender and number of the noun "comb."
- "nuestra" is the feminine singular form, so it does not match the masculine singular noun "comb."
- "tuyos" is the masculine plural form, so it does not match the masculine singular noun "comb."

Therefore, the correct possessive adjective that matches the phrase "his comb" is "suyo."