Choose the possessive adjective that would match each phrase. This adjective must match the person it belongs to AND match the noun (in gender and number).

To accurately match each phrase with a possessive adjective that matches the person it belongs to and the noun in gender and number, we would need the specific phrases or examples. Without the given phrases, it is not possible to determine the specific possessive adjectives to be used. Please provide the phrases or examples so that I can assist you further.

To choose the correct possessive adjective that matches both the person and the noun in gender and number, you need to take into account the person's gender and the number of the noun. Here is a list of possessive adjectives that will match each phrase:

1. For a singular masculine noun belonging to the first person: "my"
2. For a singular feminine noun belonging to the first person: "my"
3. For a singular masculine noun belonging to the second person: "your"
4. For a singular feminine noun belonging to the second person: "your"
5. For a singular masculine noun belonging to the third person: "his"
6. For a singular feminine noun belonging to the third person: "her"
7. For a plural masculine noun belonging to the first person: "our"
8. For a plural feminine noun belonging to the first person: "our"
9. For a plural masculine noun belonging to the second person: "your"
10. For a plural feminine noun belonging to the second person: "your"
11. For a plural masculine noun belonging to the third person: "their"
12. For a plural feminine noun belonging to the third person: "their"

Remember to make sure the possessive adjective matches both the person and the noun in gender and number.

To choose the possessive adjective that matches each phrase, you'll need to consider the person, gender, and number of the noun.

First, determine the person the possessive adjective should match:

- First person: Referring to the speaker or speakers (I, we)
- Second person: Referring to the person or people being spoken to (you)
- Third person: Referring to someone or something being spoken about (he, she, it, they)

Next, consider the gender and number of the noun:

- Gender: Is the noun masculine, feminine, or neuter?
- Number: Is the noun singular or plural?

Based on these considerations, you can select the appropriate possessive adjective:

- First person singular:
- Masculine: my
- Feminine: my
- Neuter: my

- First person plural:
- Masculine: our
- Feminine: our
- Neuter: our

- Second person singular/plural:
- Masculine: your
- Feminine: your
- Neuter: your

- Third person singular:
- Masculine: his (for masculine nouns), her (for feminine nouns), its (for neuter nouns)
- Feminine: her
- Neuter: its

- Third person plural:
- Masculine: their
- Feminine: their
- Neuter: their

By correctly identifying the person, gender, and number of the noun in a given phrase, you can choose the possessive adjective that matches all these criteria.