Give me in text citation on the MLA format, site credit page

MLA format for in-text citations requires the inclusion of the author's last name and the page number where the information was found. If the source does not have an author, use the title or a shortened version of the title. Here are some examples:

- One author: (Smith 45)
- Two authors: (Anderson and Johnson 27)
- Three or more authors: (Harrison et al. 115)
- No author: ("Title of Article" 72)

Remember to alphabetize your works cited list by the authors' last names or the first word of the title if there is no author. Each entry in the works cited page should contain all relevant information about the source such as the author's name, title of the work, publication details, and URL if it is an online source.

To provide a proper in-text citation in MLA format for a website's credit page, follow the guidelines below:

If the author's name is mentioned on the credit page:
According to the website's credit page, the author is identified as "Author's Name" (Last name).

For example:

"According to the website's credit page, the author is identified as "Smith" (Jones).

If the author's name is not mentioned on the credit page:
If the author's name is not provided on the credit page, use the title of the webpage instead.

For example:

According to the website's credit page, the title of the webpage is "Title of Webpage."

Remember that these examples are general guidelines, so be sure to adjust them to fit the specific structure of the website's credit page you are referencing. Additionally, remember to include a corresponding entry in the Works Cited page for the website you are citing.

In MLA format, when citing a webpage for your works cited page, you need to include the author's name (if available), the title of the page (or the article or site name), the name of the website (or organization that sponsors the site), the publication date (or date of last update or access), and the URL. Here is an example of how to format an in-text citation for a webpage in MLA:

Example with author's name:

Example without author's name:
("Article Title")

To create a citation for the works cited page, follow these steps:

1. Start with the author's name, last name first, followed by a comma and the first name, followed by a period. If there is no author, skip this step.

2. Include the title of the page or article in quotation marks, followed by a period.

3. Next, include the name of the website or the site sponsor, capitalized and italicized, followed by a comma.

4. Include the publication date or date of last update in day-month-year format, and follow it with a period.

5. Finally, include the URL of the webpage, without "https://" or "http://", followed by a period.

Here is an example of how to cite a webpage in MLA format:

With an author:
Johnson, Sarah. "The Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity." Environmental Studies, 15 May 2022,

Without an author:
"The Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity." Environmental Studies, 15 May 2022,

Remember to double-check the details of your specific webpage, including the author's name, title, publication date, and URL, as these may vary.