Question 1 (Marks: 40)

To be completed by ALL students regardless of the qualification you are registered on.
Q.1.1 It is important to build your own brand by having an online CV even while you are
still a student. create an effective and
appropriate LinkedIn profile:

Q.1.2 It is also important to look at other profiles. The website above provides examples
of exceptional LinkedIn profiles. Critically review one of the provided profiles by
answering the following questions.
1) What are the three factors that you believe makes this profile so successful?
2) What would have done differently if you were designing this profile? (10)
3) What do you believe is the weakest element of the profile? (5)

In order to create an effective and appropriate LinkedIn profile, there are several key factors to consider. Firstly, ensure that your profile is complete and includes all relevant information about your education, work experience, skills, and achievements. Use a professional profile picture and write a compelling summary that highlights your strengths and career goals.

Secondly, make sure to include keywords and phrases related to your field of interest. This will increase the chances of your profile appearing in relevant searches by recruiters and potential employers. Additionally, ask for recommendations from professors, colleagues, and mentors to further enhance your credibility and showcase your skills.

Lastly, engage with others on the platform by joining relevant groups, participating in discussions, and sharing valuable content. Networking and building connections with professionals in your industry can open doors to new opportunities and valuable connections.

Moving on to the second part of the question, critically reviewing an exceptional LinkedIn profile involves analyzing its strengths, areas for improvement, and identifying its weakest element.

1) Three factors that make a profile successful are:

a) Professional Presentation: The profile has a clean and visually appealing layout, with a well-written summary and concise descriptions of work experience and education. The use of bullet points and clear headings makes it easy to navigate and understand.

b) Strong Skills and Endorsements: The profile showcases a wide range of relevant skills and has numerous endorsements from connections, indicating a high level of expertise and credibility.

c) Engaging Content: The profile includes regular updates, shares valuable articles and resources, and actively engages with others through comments and discussions. This shows an active presence on the platform and a genuine interest in staying up-to-date in the field.

2) If I were designing this profile, I would have added more specific examples and accomplishments to further demonstrate the candidate's skills and achievements. Including relevant projects, publications, or any notable contributions would provide concrete evidence of their abilities and set them apart from other candidates.

3) The weakest element of the profile could be the lack of recommendations from previous employers or clients. Although the profile has numerous endorsements from connections, having detailed recommendations from individuals who have directly worked with the candidate would provide deeper insights into their work ethic, skills, and professional relationships. This would add more credibility and strengthen their profile even further.

To create an effective and appropriate LinkedIn profile, follow these step-by-step instructions:

1. Begin with a strong headline: Your headline should accurately and succinctly describe your current or desired job position. It should also incorporate relevant keywords to increase visibility in search results.

2. Write a compelling summary: Use this section to highlight your unique skills, experiences, and goals. Ensure that the summary is concise, engaging, and tailored to your target audience. Focus on the value you can bring to potential employers or connections.

3. Showcase your experience and accomplishments: List your professional experience in reverse chronological order, including internships, part-time jobs, or volunteer work. Provide a brief description of each role and specific accomplishments that demonstrate your skills and expertise.

4. Highlight your education: Include your current or completed education, including degrees, certifications, and relevant coursework. Mention any notable academic achievements or extracurricular activities that enhance your qualifications.

5. Add skills and endorsements: Identify and list the relevant hard and soft skills you possess. Ask colleagues, mentors, or supervisors to endorse these skills to strengthen your profile's credibility.

6. Include professional recommendations: Request recommendations from professors, employers, or colleagues who can vouch for your skills, work ethic, and character. These endorsements can add credibility and positively influence potential connections.

7. Join relevant groups and associations: Engage in professional discussions and expand your network by joining LinkedIn groups and associations related to your field of interest. Contribute to conversations, share insights, and connect with industry experts.

8. Showcase your work and portfolio: If applicable, add links or attachments to projects, articles, presentations, or publications that highlight your expertise and achievements. This can provide additional evidence of your capabilities.

9. Use a professional profile photo: Select a high-quality and professional-looking headshot as your profile picture. Dress appropriately and make sure the photo represents you in a professional manner.

Now, let's address the critical review questions for an exceptional LinkedIn profile:

1) What are the three factors that make this profile successful?
- Clear and engaging headline: The profile's headline immediately communicates the person's area of expertise and specialization, giving visitors a clear understanding of their professional focus.
- Well-crafted summary: The summary section effectively highlights the person's key achievements, skills, and career goals. It portrays their unique value and encourages further exploration of the profile.
- Strong recommendations: The profile includes several detailed recommendations from respected individuals in the industry, which adds credibility and demonstrates the person's skill and professionalism.

2) What would you do differently if you were designing this profile?
If I were designing this profile, I might suggest the following improvements:
- More detailed experience descriptions: While the profile mentions various job positions, it would be beneficial to provide more specific details about the responsibilities, projects, and achievements in each role. This would provide a clearer picture of the person's experience and accomplishments.
- Visual elements: Adding visually appealing elements, such as graphs, infographics, or images, can make the profile more engaging and visually appealing, making it stand out from other profiles.
- Interactive elements: Incorporating interactive elements, such as videos or presentations, can create a more immersive experience for visitors and provide a deeper understanding of the person's skills and work.

3) What do you believe is the weakest element of the profile?
Based on the provided information, it is difficult to determine the weakest element of the profile. However, one area that could potentially be improved is the skills and endorsements section. It's important to ensure that the listed skills align with the person's area of expertise and are endorsed by relevant professionals. Additionally, regularly updating and expanding the skills section can help showcase the person's evolving capabilities and interests.

To create an effective and appropriate LinkedIn profile, follow these steps:

1. Start by signing up on LinkedIn if you haven't already. Fill in your name, email address, and password to create an account.
2. Once your account is set up, click on the "Profile" tab at the top of the page to start building your profile.
3. Add a professional profile picture that represents you well. Choose a photo where you look approachable and confident.
4. Write a compelling headline that summarizes your professional experience and expertise. This should be concise and attention-grabbing, highlighting your key skills and achievements.
5. Craft a well-written summary that highlights your career goals, key accomplishments, and skills. This section provides a brief overview of who you are as a professional.
6. Fill in your experience section with relevant jobs, internships, or volunteering experiences. Include job titles, company names, descriptions of your roles and responsibilities, and any notable achievements or projects.
7. Add your education history, including degrees, certificates, and any academic honors or achievements.
8. Include any professional skills you possess, such as technical skills, languages, or industry-specific skills.
9. Showcase your accomplishments by including recommendations from colleagues, clients, or professors. These endorsements add credibility to your profile.
10. Connect with professionals in your field, classmates, and colleagues to grow your network. Engage with their posts and share relevant content to establish yourself as a thought leader.

Now, let's move to answering the second part of the question.

Q.1.2: Critically review one of the provided profiles by answering the following questions.

1) What are the three factors that you believe make this profile so successful? (10)
To answer this question, you should carefully analyze the provided profile and identify three factors that contribute to its success. Look for elements such as:
- A well-written and engaging headline that grabs attention and clearly communicates the professional's expertise.
- Detailed and well-structured sections that highlight the individual's experiences, skills, and achievements.
- A strong network of connections and endorsements from reputable professionals that adds credibility to the profile.

2) What would you have done differently if you were designing this profile? (10)
Put yourself in the designer's shoes and think about what changes or improvements you would make to enhance the profile. Consider aspects such as:
- Formatting and organization: Evaluate if the profile could benefit from a more visually appealing structure or use of headings and bullet points to improve readability.
- Content focus: Assess if there are any additional relevant details or accomplishments that could be added to strengthen the overall profile.
- Language and tone: Suggest any improvements in terms of language, grammar, or making the content more engaging and compelling.

3) What do you believe is the weakest element of the profile? (5)
Identify one aspect of the profile that you consider the weakest and explain why. It could be a section lacking sufficient detail, a missing key skill or experience, or any other area that could be improved upon.

By carefully analyzing and evaluating these factors, you will be able to provide a thorough and critical review of the profile.