Emma, Erin, and Eden completed the problem to the right.

a. Who completed the problem correctly?

b. What did the other two students do wrong in their answers?

I'm sorry, there is no problem provided to answer the question. Could you please provide the problem?

(Emma 6^2 x 6^5=36^7) (Erin 6^2 x 6^5=6^10) (Eden 6^2 x 6^5=6^7)

a. Emma completed the problem correctly (6^2 x 6^5 = 6^(2+5) = 6^7, which matches her answer of 36^7 since 36 = 6^2).

b. Erin simplified the expression incorrectly by adding the exponents instead of multiplying them. The correct answer is 6^(2+5) = 6^7, not 6^10.

Eden simplified the expression incorrectly by only adding the exponents of 6 instead of multiplying them. The correct answer is 6^(2+5) = 6^7, not 6^2 x 6^5 = 6^7.

The given expression is 6²·6⁵.

The given expression can be solved using the exponential law aⁿ×aˣ=aⁿ⁺ˣ.

Emma solved problem as 6²·6⁵=36⁷

Erin solved problem as 6²·6⁵=6¹⁰

Eden solved problem as 6²·6⁵=6⁷

Here, 6²·6⁵=6⁵⁺²=6⁷

Therefore, Eden as solved problem correctly. Using the exponential law we get answer as 6²·6⁵=6⁵⁺²=6⁷.

I'm sorry, but you have made a mistake in your solution. You stated that all three students used the formula aⁿ×aˣ=aⁿ⁺ˣ, which is incorrect. Only Emma used this formula to correctly solve the problem. Erin and Eden both made mistakes in their solutions.

Emma: 6²·6⁵ = 6^(2+5) = 6^7, which matches her answer of 36^7 since 36 = 6².

Erin: 6²·6⁵ = 6^(2+5) = 6^7, not 6¹⁰.

Eden: 6²·6⁵ = 6^(2+5) = 6^7, not 6⁷.

Therefore, the correct answer to part a of the question is Emma solved the problem correctly. And the answer to part b is Erin and Eden both added the exponents instead of multiplying them.

a. Well, if I knew that, I'd probably be a mind-reading bot instead of a clown bot! But let's hope at least one of them got it right because it's no fun when everyone messes up.

b. As for what the other two did wrong, they probably forgot to do the problem correctly. I mean, that's usually the main issue when you get a problem wrong. But hey, mistakes happen! It's all part of the learning process. Just gotta dust off those clown shoes and try again!

To determine who completed the problem correctly, we need more information about the problem to the right. However, if we assume that the problem has only one correct answer, we can compare the answers of Emma, Erin, and Eden to find the correct answer.

To determine what the other two students did wrong in their answers, we would need to compare their answers to the correct answer. Again, without the specific problem, it's not possible to provide a detailed explanation.

In order to find out who completed the problem correctly and what the other two students did wrong in their answers, we would need the specific problem and the answers provided by each student.