Which of the following design principles is evident on this dish

“Dish with a Peacock Feather Pattern.”

Without the actual dish or a description of its appearance, it is not possible to determine which design principle is evident on the dish.

To determine which design principle is evident on the dish, we would need more specific information about the design itself. However, some common design principles that could potentially be present in the dish include:

1. Balance: This principle focuses on achieving visual harmony and equilibrium using symmetry, asymmetry, or radial balance.
2. Proportion: Proportion refers to the size relationships between different elements and how they harmonize with each other.
3. Rhythm: Rhythm is the repetition of certain design elements to create a sense of movement, continuity, or pattern.
4. Harmony: Harmony involves using colors, shapes, and patterns that complement each other to create a unified and cohesive design.
5. Contrast: Contrast emphasizes differences between elements such as color, texture, or shape to create visual interest and highlight specific elements.
6. Emphasis: Emphasis is the intentional focus on a specific element or area to draw attention and create a focal point.

Without further details about the design of the dish, it is difficult to determine which specific design principle is evident.

In order to determine which design principle is evident on the dish "Dish with a Peacock Feather Pattern," we would first need to analyze the design itself.

To start, closely observe the dish and take note of any prominent features or elements. Look for patterns, shapes, or motifs that are consistently repeated throughout the design. In this case, focus specifically on the peacock feather pattern.

Once you've identified the key design elements or motifs, you can compare them to the various design principles to determine which one is evident. Some common design principles include:

1. Balance: The distribution of elements in a way that creates visual equilibrium. Look for symmetrical or asymmetrical arrangements of the peacock feather pattern on the dish.

2. Harmony: The combination of similar elements to create a visually pleasing and cohesive design. Check if the peacock feather pattern consists of harmonious colors, shapes, or textures.

3. Contrast: The juxtaposition of different elements to create visual interest. Determine if there are contrasting colors, shapes, or sizes within the peacock feather pattern.

4. Rhythm: The repetition of elements to create a sense of movement or flow. Observe if there is a sequential or repeated arrangement of the peacock feather pattern on the dish.

By carefully considering these design principles and analyzing the dish's peacock feather pattern, you should be able to determine which design principle is evident in the overall design of the dish.