. An Uber driver in Metro Atlanta charges a $10 pick-up fee and then an additional $0.65 per

mile, m. Which of the following does NOT accurately represent the cost of a trip with this
a) c=0.65m+
b) A slope of 10 and a y-intercept at (0, 0.65)
13. Evaluate the following function for the given value of x.
Find f(-4)
a) 39
b) -9
c) 71
d) 31
x 0 2 4 6
y 10 11.30 12.60 13.9

The correct answer for the first question is option c) .

The cost of a trip with this driver can be represented as c = 0.65m + 10, where c is the total cost and m is the total miles driven.

Option a) correctly represents the cost of the trip. Option b) represents a linear equation with a slope of 10 and a y-intercept at (0, 0.65), which is not valid for this scenario. Option d) is incomplete and does not accurately represent the cost of the trip.

For the second question, the correct answer is option b) -9.

When x = -4, the corresponding y value is -9. Using the given values in the function, we see that y decreases by 0.70 for every increase of 2 in x. Therefore, when x increases by 6 from 0 to 6, y decreases by 0.70 x 3 = 2.10. So, the value of y at x = -4 would be 10 - 2.10 = 7.9, which is rounded to -9.

For the first question, let's go through the given options and determine which one does NOT accurately represent the cost of a trip with the Uber driver in Metro Atlanta.

a) c = 0.65m + This equation accurately represents the cost of a trip with this driver as it includes the $0.65 per mile charge.

b) A slope of 10 and a y-intercept at (0, 0.65) - This option does NOT accurately represent the cost of a trip with this driver because it does not include the additional $0.65 per mile charge. It only considers a flat fee of $0.65.

c) - This option does not provide any information, so we cannot determine if it accurately represents the cost of a trip.

d) - This option does not provide any information either, so we cannot determine if it accurately represents the cost of a trip.

Therefore, the answer is b) A slope of 10 and a y-intercept at (0, 0.65).

For the second question, let's evaluate the function f(-4) using the given values of x and y:

x: 0 2 4 6
y: 10 11.30 12.60 13.9

When x = -4, we look for the corresponding value of y. From the given values of x and y, we can see that x = -4 is not listed. Therefore, we cannot evaluate f(-4) using the given information. None of the options a), b), c), or d) accurately represents f(-4) based on the provided data.

To find the correct answer for the first question, we can use the given information about the cost of the trip with the Uber driver. The driver charges a $10 pick-up fee and an additional $0.65 per mile. Let's analyze each option:

a) c = 0.65m+: This equation represents the cost of the trip, with 0.65m representing the cost per mile and the blank at the end indicating that there is a missing term.

b) A slope of 10 and a y-intercept at (0, 0.65): This represents the equation of a line in the slope-intercept form, y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept. In this case, the slope is 10 (which is not mentioned in the original information) and the y-intercept is (0, 0.65), which means the initial cost is $0.65.

c): This option is incomplete and does not provide an equation or any representation of the cost of the trip.

d): This option is empty and does not provide any information.

Based on the given information, the correct answer for the first question is b) because the slope and the y-intercept values provided do not match the information given about the cost per mile and pick-up fee.

Moving on to the second question, we have a set of values for x and y in a function. To find the value of f(-4), we need to find the corresponding value of y when x equals -4. Looking at the chart:

x 0 2 4 6
y 10 11.30 12.60 13.9

We can see that when x = -4, there is no corresponding value of y. Therefore, the value of f(-4) is undefined. None of the given options (a, b, c, d) represents this situation, so there is no correct answer among the given options.