First, understand the problem. Then translate the statement into an inequality. the perimeter is less than of the rectangle or equal to 130 x + 40 + x + 40 130

Simplify the left side of the inequality. x + 40 + x + 40 <= 130; Box<= 130 (Simplify your answer. Do not factor.)

2x + 80 <= 130

To simplify the left side of the inequality, combine like terms: x + 40 + x + 40 can be simplified to 2x + 80. Therefore, the inequality becomes 2x + 80 ≤ 130.

To solve this problem, we first need to understand what the statement is asking for. It states that the perimeter of a rectangle is less than or equal to 130.

Next, we can translate this statement into an inequality. The perimeter of a rectangle is given by the formula: P = 2(l + w), where P is the perimeter, l is the length, and w is the width. In this case, the length is represented by x, and the width is represented by 40. So, the inequality would be:

2(x + 40) ≤ 130

To simplify the left side of the inequality, we can distribute the 2 to both terms inside the parentheses:

2x + 2(40) ≤ 130

Simplifying further:

2x + 80 ≤ 130

Now, we can solve for x by isolating the variable:

2x ≤ 130 - 80

2x ≤ 50

To get rid of the coefficient 2, we can divide both sides of the inequality by 2:

x ≤ 25

So, the solution to the inequality is x ≤ 25. This means that the length of the rectangle must be less than or equal to 25 units in order for the perimeter to be less than or equal to 130 units.