A square garden has 4 equal sides. The perimeter of the garden, p, is the product of its side length, s, and 4. Translate the words into an algebraic expression. What is the perimeter of the garden if the side length is 7 feet?(1 point)


p=4s; 47 feet
p equals 4 s, ; 47 feet

p=7+s; 28 feet
p equals 7 plus s, ; 28 feet

p=4s; 28 feet
p equals 4 s, ; 28 feet

p=4+s; 11 feet

p = 4 s

if s = 7, p = 4*7 = 28

answered has me baffled

p equals 4 plus s, ; 11 feet

The correct algebraic expression would be p=4s. So, if the side length is 7 feet, the perimeter of the garden would be p=4(7) = 28 feet.

The given information states that the perimeter of the garden, p, is the product of its side length, s, and 4. To translate this into an algebraic expression, we can write: p = 4s.

To find the perimeter of the garden if the side length is 7 feet, we substitute s = 7 into the expression. So, p = 4 * 7 = 28 feet.

Therefore, the correct translation of the given word problem is: p = 4s; 28 feet.