Why were the Indians pleased with the creation of the proclamation line of 1763 a the line created a survey of Indian Territory be the lawn gave the Indians additional hunting grounds see the line reassured the Indians that white settlers would not take more land or D the line settled Old Land controversies between the Indians and the white settlers

The Indians were pleased with the creation of the Proclamation Line of 1763 because the line reassured the Indians that white settlers would not take more land.

The Indians were pleased with the creation of the Proclamation Line of 1763 because the line reassured the Indians that white settlers would not take more land.

To determine why the Indians were pleased with the creation of the Proclamation Line of 1763, we can break down each option provided and analyze their potential implications.

A) The line created a survey of Indian Territory:
To confirm if this option is correct, we can study historical documents, research books, or articles that discuss the Proclamation Line of 1763 and its impact on Indian Territory. By understanding the intentions behind the creation of the line, we can conclude if the Indians were pleased with having their territory surveyed.

B) The line gave the Indians additional hunting grounds:
To verify if this option is accurate, it is crucial to investigate whether the creation of the Proclamation Line of 1763 resulted in the Indians gaining more hunting grounds. Historical records can provide valuable insights into any potential expansion of territory for the indigenous communities.

C) The line reassured the Indians that white settlers would not take more land:
Determining if this option is true requires research into the historical context surrounding the creation of the Proclamation Line of 1763. By examining primary sources, such as letters, speeches, or official documents from that period, we can assess whether the line's establishment provided reassurance to the Indians regarding land claims by white settlers.

D) The line settled Old Land controversies between the Indians and the white settlers:
To validate this option, we need to examine historical evidence such as treaties, agreements, or any other relevant documents that may shed light on any land controversies between Indians and white settlers prior to the establishment of the Proclamation Line of 1763. By analyzing the historical context, we can assess whether the line played a role in resolving these disputes.

By conducting research and analyzing historical records, we can determine which option accurately explains why the Indians were pleased with the creation of the Proclamation Line of 1763.