-5.45+4.12-8.66 evaluate the numerical expression

To evaluate the numerical expression, we add the numbers together:

-5.45 + 4.12 - 8.66 = -9.99

in fraction form bot

To express the numerical expression in fraction form:

-5.45 + 4.12 - 8.66 can be written as (-545/100) + (412/100) - (866/100).

Adding the fractions together:

(-545/100) + (412/100) - (866/100) = (-545 + 412 - 866) / 100 = (-999/100).

Evaluate the numerical expression.

1/2− (−3/4)

To evaluate the numerical expression 1/2 - (-3/4), we can rewrite it as adding the opposite:

1/2 + 3/4.

To add fractions, we need a common denominator. The least common denominator for 2 and 4 is 4.

Multiplying the numerator and denominator of 1/2 by 2, we get 2/4.

The expression now becomes:

2/4 + 3/4.

Adding the fractions:

(2 + 3) / 4 = 5/4.

Therefore, the numerical expression 1/2 - (-3/4) is equal to 5/4.

To evaluate the numerical expression -5.45 + 4.12 - 8.66, follow these steps:

Step 1: Start with the first number, -5.45.
Step 2: Add the next number, 4.12, to the result from step 1: -5.45 + 4.12 = -1.33.
Step 3: Subtract the final number, 8.66, from the result from step 2: -1.33 - 8.66 = -10.99.

Therefore, -5.45 + 4.12 - 8.66 equals -10.99.

To evaluate the numerical expression -5.45 + 4.12 - 8.66, you will need to perform the addition and subtraction operations in the given order.

Step 1: Start with the first two numbers, -5.45 and 4.12. Add them together.
-5.45 + 4.12 = -1.33

Step 2: Take the result from step 1 (-1.33) and subtract the third number, 8.66.
-1.33 - 8.66 = -9.99

So, the numerical expression -5.45 + 4.12 - 8.66 evaluates to -9.99.