The football team lost 8 yards on every play for 5 plays. Write a statement using integer multiplication to show the total number of yards the team has lost.

The total number of yards the football team has lost can be expressed as -8 yards multiplied by 5 plays. Thus, the statement using integer multiplication would be: -8 yards/play × 5 plays = -40 yards.

To find the total number of yards the football team has lost, we can use integer multiplication. Since the team lost 8 yards on every play for 5 plays, we can express this as:

Total yards lost = (-8 yards per play) x (5 plays)

Therefore, the statement using integer multiplication to show the total number of yards lost is:

Total yards lost = (-8) x (5) yards

To find the total number of yards the football team has lost, we need to multiply the number of yards lost on each play by the total number of plays. In this case, the team lost 8 yards on every play for 5 plays.

Using integer multiplication, we can write the statement as:

Total yards lost = (-8) x 5

So, the team has lost a total of 40 yards.