Which context describes a difference of rational numbers?(1 point)


A. A football player gains yards on a play.

B. The team’s score did not change during the game.

C. The team’s score increased when scoring.

D. A football player loses yards on a play.

D. A football player loses yards on a play.

The option that describes a difference of rational numbers is option D. A football player loses yards on a play.

To determine which context describes a difference of rational numbers, you need to understand the concept of rational numbers and how they can change. Rational numbers are numbers that can be expressed as a fraction or ratio of two integers.

Let's consider each option and see if it describes a difference of rational numbers:

A. A football player gains yards on a play: This context does not necessarily involve rational numbers. Yards gained might be counted as whole numbers, not fractions.

B. The team’s score did not change during the game: This context does not involve rational numbers either. If the score did not change, it means it remained the same, and rational numbers do not come into play.

C. The team’s score increased when scoring: This context does involve rational numbers. If the team's score increased, it means there was a difference between the previous score and the new score, which can be expressed as a rational number.

D. A football player loses yards on a play: This context also involves rational numbers. If the player loses yards, it means there is a decrease in the distance covered, which can be expressed as a negative rational number.

Based on this analysis, options C and D describe a difference of rational numbers. Therefore, the correct answer is either C or D, depending on the specific situation described.