
Use the standard algorithm to find the product of 355 and 893. Record the products of each multiplying through by each place value in 893 as well as the final product.(2 points)
The product of multiplying by the ones digit is
. The product of multiplying by the tens digit is
. The product of multiplying by the hundreds digit is
. The product is

To find the product of 355 and 893 using the standard algorithm, we can set up the multiplication as follows:

× 893

First, let's multiply 355 by the ones digit of 893 (which is 3):

× 893
= 1065

Next, we multiply 355 by the tens digit of 893 (which is 9):

× 893
= 2670

Finally, we multiply 355 by the hundreds digit of 893 (which is 8):

× 893
= 2840

Now we can add these three products together to get the final product:

× 893
= 1065
+ 2670
+ 2840
= 6575

Therefore, the final product of multiplying 355 and 893 is 6575.

Use the standard algorithm to find the product of 765 and 222. Record the products of each multiplying through by each place value in 222 as well as the final product.(2 points)

The product of multiplying by the ones digit is
. The product of multiplying by the tens digit is
. The product of multiplying by the hundreds digit is
. The product is

To find the product of 765 and 222 using the standard algorithm, we can set up the multiplication as follows:

× 222

First, let's multiply 765 by the ones digit of 222 (which is 2):

× 222
= 1530

Next, we multiply 765 by the tens digit of 222 (which is 2):

× 222
= 1530

Finally, we multiply 765 by the hundreds digit of 222 (which is 2):

× 222
= 1530

Now we can add these three products together to get the final product:

× 222
= 1530
+ 1530
+ 1530
= 340230

Therefore, the final product of multiplying 765 and 222 is 340230.

To find the product of 355 and 893 using the standard algorithm, follow these steps:

1. Start by multiplying 355 by the ones digit of 893, which is 3:
355 x 3 = 1,065

2. Next, multiply 355 by the tens digit of 893, which is 9:
355 x 9 = 3,195

3. Then, multiply 355 by the hundreds digit of 893, which is 8:
355 x 8 = 2,840

4. Finally, add up the products:
1,065 + 3,195 + 2,840 = 7,100

Therefore, the products of each multiplying through by each place value in 893 are:
- The product of multiplying by the ones digit is 1,065.
- The product of multiplying by the tens digit is 3,195.
- The product of multiplying by the hundreds digit is 2,840.
- The final product is 7,100.

To find the product of 355 and 893 using the standard algorithm, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down both numbers vertically, aligning them by the units place:

x 893

Step 2: Starting with the ones digit of the bottom number (3), multiply it by each digit of the top number (5, 5, and 3) one by one. Write down the products under each corresponding digit position:

x 893
2665 (product of the ones digit)

Step 3: Move one place to the left and repeat the multiplication process with the tens digit of the bottom number (9). Write down the products under each corresponding digit position:

x 893
2665 (product of the ones digit)
355 (product of the tens digit)

Step 4: Move another place to the left and repeat the multiplication process with the hundreds digit of the bottom number (8). Write down the products under each corresponding digit position:

x 893
2665 (product of the ones digit)
355 (product of the tens digit)
1780 (product of the hundreds digit)

Step 5: Add up all the partial products:

x 893
2665 (product of the ones digit)
+ 355 (product of the tens digit)
+ 1780 (product of the hundreds digit)
316715 (final product)

Therefore, the products of each multiplying through by each place value in 893 are as follows:
- The product of multiplying by the ones digit is 2665.
- The product of multiplying by the tens digit is 355.
- The product of multiplying by the hundreds digit is 1780.
- The final product is 316715.