Use the standard algorithm to find the product of 246 and 188. Record the products of each multiplying through by each place value in 188 as well as the final product.

they are wrong

Hi! The answers are

246 * 8 = 1968
246* 80 = 19680
246 * 100 =24600
And the product is.. 46248

Use the standard algorithm to find the product of 246 and 188. Record the products of each multiplying through by each place value in 188 as well as the final product.

The product of multiplying by the ones digit is 1968. The product of multiplying by the tens digit is 19680. The product of multiplying by the hundreds digit is 24600. The product is 46248.
if this is what your look for <3

thank you <3

To find the product of 246 and 188 using the standard algorithm, you would multiply each digit of 188 with each digit of 246 and then add the results together.

First, let's start by multiplying the ones place in 188 (8) with each digit in 246:

8 * 6 = 48
8 * 4 = 32
8 * 2 = 16

Next, we move to the tens place in 188 (8) and repeat the process:

8 * 6 = 48
8 * 4 = 32
8 * 2 = 16

Finally, we move to the hundreds place in 188 (1) and repeat the process:

1 * 6 = 6
1 * 4 = 4
1 * 2 = 2

Now, let's add up all the products we obtained:

48 + 32 + 16 + 48 + 32 + 16 + 6 + 4 + 2 = 204

So, the product of 246 and 188 is 204.

To find the product of 246 and 188 using the standard algorithm, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write both numbers side by side, aligning the units' place:
× 188

Step 2: Start with the units place (8) in the multiplier (188) and multiply it by each digit in the multiplicand (246). Write down the partial products below each digit:

× 188
492 (8 * 6)
+ 1760 (8 * 4, shifted one place to the left)

Step 3: Move one place to the left in the multiplier (188), and repeat step 2, multiplying each digit in the multiplicand (246) by the new digit in the multiplier:

× 188
492 (8 * 6, shifted one place to the left)
+ 1760 (8 * 4, shifted two places to the left)
+ 1968 (1 * 6, shifted three places to the left)
+ 4920 (1 * 2, shifted three places to the left)

Step 4: Repeat step 3 for each digit in the multiplier (188). Add up all the partial products to get the final product:

× 188
492 (8 * 6, shifted one place to the left)
+ 1760 (8 * 4, shifted two places to the left)
+ 1968 (1 * 6, shifted three places to the left)
+ 4920 (1 * 2, shifted three places to the left)

Therefore, the product of 246 and 188 is 46,224.

To find the product of 246 and 188 using the standard algorithm, follow these steps:

× 188
1488 (246 × 8)
492 (246 × 80)
46248 (246 × 100)

So, the final product of multiplying 246 and 188 is 46,248.