A feather weighs 0.0082 g. How many feathers would you need to make a weight of 4.1×10^3 g? Write the answer in scientific notation.

To find the number of feathers needed to make a weight of 4.1×10^3 g, we can set up a proportion.

Let x be the number of feathers needed.
Therefore, the weight of x feathers is 0.0082 g * x.

We can set up the proportion:
0.0082 g * x = 4.1×10^3 g

To solve for x, divide both sides of the equation by 0.0082 g:
x = (4.1×10^3 g) / (0.0082 g)

Calculating the right side of the equation:
x = 5.0×10^5

Therefore, you would need 5.0×10^5 feathers to make a weight of 4.1×10^3 g.

that is incorrect

Apologies for the error. Let's calculate it correctly:

To find the number of feathers needed to make a weight of 4.1×10^3 g, we divide the desired weight by the weight of one feather.

Number of feathers = (Weight needed) / (Weight of one feather)
Number of feathers = (4.1×10^3 g) / (0.0082 g)

When dividing, subtract the exponents:
Number of feathers = 5.0×10^5

Therefore, you would need 5.0×10^5 feathers to make a weight of 4.1×10^3 g.

To find the number of feathers needed to make a weight of 4.1×10^3 g, we can divide the total weight by the weight of one feather.

Step 1: Divide the total weight by the weight of one feather:
4.1×10^3 g / 0.0082 g = 5.00×10^5

Therefore, you would need 5.00×10^5 feathers to make a weight of 4.1×10^3 g.

To find out how many feathers you would need to make a weight of 4.1×10^3 g, you need to divide the weight of one feather by the desired weight.

First, convert the weight of the feather to scientific notation:
0.0082 g = 8.2×10^-3 g

Then divide the desired weight by the weight of one feather:
4.1×10^3 g / 8.2×10^-3 g = 5×10^5

Therefore, you would need 5×10^5 feathers to make a weight of 4.1×10^3 g.

how is that the answer if that is litterly in the question????

A feather weighs 0.0082 g. How many feathers would you need to make a weight of 4.1×103 g? Write the answer in scientific notation.