
A feather weighs 0.0082 g. How many feathers would you need to make a weight of 4.1×103 g? Write the answer in scientific notation.

To find the number of feathers needed, we can set up a proportion.

Let x be the number of feathers needed.

We can set up the proportion:

0.0082g/1 feather = 4.1x10^3g/x feathers

Cross-multiplying, we get:

0.0082g * x feathers = (4.1x10^3g) * 1 feather

0.0082x = 4.1x10^3

Dividing both sides of the equation by 0.0082, we get:

x = (4.1x10^3) / 0.0082

Calculating this, we get:

x ≈ 500000

Therefore, you would need approximately 5.0 x 10^5 feathers to make a weight of 4.1x10^3 g.

To find out how many feathers are needed to reach a weight of 4.1 × 10^3 g, you can divide the desired weight by the weight of one feather.

Step 1: Set up the equation
Let's represent the number of feathers needed by "x".

0.0082 g/feather × x feathers = 4.1 × 10^3 g

Step 2: Solve for x
Divide both sides of the equation by 0.0082 g:

x feathers = (4.1 × 10^3 g) / (0.0082 g/feather)

x feathers ≈ 500,000

Step 3: Write the answer in scientific notation
The answer is x = 5 × 10^5 feathers.

Therefore, you would need 5 × 10^5 feathers to reach a weight of 4.1 × 10^3 g.

To find out how many feathers are needed to make a weight of 4.1×10^3 g, you can divide the total weight by the weight of a single feather.

1. Start by dividing the total weight (4.1×10^3 g) by the weight of a single feather (0.0082 g):

(4.1×10^3 g) / (0.0082 g)

2. To divide these numbers, you subtract the exponents of 10 and divide the coefficients:

(4.1 / 0.0082) × 10^(3-(-2))

3. Perform the division:

(4.1 / 0.0082) × 10^5

After dividing, you get:

500 × 10^5

4. Rewrite the result in scientific notation:

5×10^2 × 10^5

To combine the exponents, add them:

5 × 10^(2+5)

Which equals:

5 × 10^7

Therefore, you would need 5×10^7 feathers to make a weight of 4.1×10^3 g.