Read the following sentence.

Jack's words burned Anna and she cried for days.

Which of following best explains what happened when "Jack's words burned Anna"?

Jack yelled at Anna.

Jack's words hurt Anna's feelings.

Jack's words set fire to Anna.

Jack no longer wanted to be friends with Anna.

B. Jack's words hurt Anna's feelings.

B. Jack's words hurt Anna's feelings.

To determine the best explanation for what happened when "Jack's words burned Anna," we need to analyze the sentence and understand its figurative language. The phrase "Jack's words burned Anna" is a metaphorical expression and not meant to be taken literally. To interpret it, we can break down the context and meaning.

The sentence indicates that Anna cried for days after Jack's words. This suggests that something negative or hurtful was said to her, causing emotional pain. From this information, we can eliminate option C, as it suggests a literal fire was set to Anna, which is not what the sentence implies.

Now we are left with options A, B, and D.

Option A states that Jack yelled at Anna. While yelling can be hurtful, the phrase "Jack's words burned Anna" implies a deeper emotional impact. It is possible for someone's words to hurt or upset someone without raising their voice.

Option D suggests that Jack no longer wanted to be friends with Anna. While this may have been the case, it does not directly explain the emotional impact and subsequent days of crying that Anna experienced.

Option B, "Jack's words hurt Anna's feelings," most accurately reflects the emotional impact described in the sentence. It acknowledges the negative effect of Jack's words on Anna, causing emotional distress.

Therefore, option B, "Jack's words hurt Anna's feelings," is the best explanation for what happened in the given sentence.