Which sentence about galaxies provides evidence of universe expansion that supports the Big Bang Theory?(1 point) Responses Galaxies are in constant motion. Galaxies are in constant motion. Galaxies are moving more slowly than they have in the past. Galaxies are moving more slowly than they have in the past. Galaxies are moving at different speeds and in different directions. Galaxies are moving at different speeds and in different directions. Galaxies are moving away from each other.

Galaxies are moving away from each other.

The sentence that provides evidence of the universe expansion that supports the Big Bang Theory is: "Galaxies are moving away from each other."

The sentence that provides evidence of universe expansion that supports the Big Bang Theory is "Galaxies are moving away from each other." This statement indicates that the galaxies are spreading apart, suggesting a scenario where the universe is expanding. This observation aligns with the Big Bang Theory, which proposes that the universe originated from a singularity and has been expanding ever since. To arrive at this conclusion, scientists have made observations of the redshift in the light emitted by galaxies. The redshift, or the stretching of lightwaves towards longer wavelengths, is an indication that an object is moving away from us. By studying the redshift of light from distant galaxies, scientists have found evidence that the vast majority of galaxies are indeed moving away from each other, supporting the notion of an expanding universe as predicted by the Big Bang Theory.