Which sentence about galaxies provides evidence of universe expansion that supports the Big Bang Theory?(1 point)


Galaxies are moving away from each other.
Galaxies are moving away from each other.

Galaxies are moving more slowly than they have in the past.
Galaxies are moving more slowly than they have in the past.

Galaxies are in constant motion.
Galaxies are in constant motion.

Galaxies are moving at different speeds and in different directions.

Galaxies are moving away from each other.

The sentence that provides evidence of universe expansion that supports the Big Bang Theory is:

- Galaxies are moving away from each other.

The sentence that provides evidence of universe expansion that supports the Big Bang Theory is "Galaxies are moving away from each other." This is because according to the Big Bang Theory, the universe originated from a hot, dense state and has been expanding ever since. As a result of this expansion, galaxies are moving away from each other, which has been observed through the measurement of redshift in their light spectra. Redshift indicates that galaxies are moving away from us, and the further away a galaxy is, the greater its redshift. Therefore, the fact that galaxies are moving away from each other supports the idea of an expanding universe and is consistent with the predictions of the Big Bang Theory.