Use the sentence to answer the question. When he saw the photographer, the raccoon moved into the underbrush. Which verb choice could replace moved to better give the raccoon's movement a sense of urgency? (1 point) Responses crept crept walked walked tiptoed tiptoed streaked


The verb choice "streaked" could better give the raccoon's movement a sense of urgency.

To answer the question, we need to find a verb that better conveys a sense of urgency compared to "moved." Let's analyze the options:

1. Crept: This verb implies a slow and cautious movement, rather than urgency.
2. Walked: This verb denotes a regular walking pace, which does not suggest urgency either.
3. Tiptoed: This verb implies moving quietly and carefully, but it does not necessarily convey urgency.
4. Streaked: This verb implies swift, sudden movement, often associated with urgency or speed.

Among the given options, "streaked" best captures the sense of urgency in the raccoon's movement when it sees the photographer.