Use the sentence to answer the question.

When he saw the photographer, the raccoon moved into the underbrush.

Which verb choice could replace moved to better give the raccoon's movement a sense of urgency?

a. walked
b. streaked
c. tiptoed
d. crept

b. streaked

b. streaked

To answer this question, we need to consider which verb choice best conveys a sense of urgency in the raccoon's movement. To do this, we can eliminate options a. "walked" and c. "tiptoed" as they both suggest a slower and less hurried type of movement.

Now, let's consider the remaining options:

b. "streaked" suggests a quick and rapid movement, but it may not accurately represent the raccoon's behavior. Raccoons are not typically known for moving in such a rapid manner.

d. "crept" seems to be the best choice among the remaining options. Creeping implies moving slowly and cautiously, but it also carries a sense of stealth and urgency. This suggests that the raccoon is trying to avoid being seen by the photographer and therefore provides a more suitable replacement for "moved" to convey the raccoon's sense of urgency.

So, the correct answer is d. "crept."