At the post office, Amaya sorted 45 letters in 15 minutes. After a total of 30 minutes, she has sorted 90 letters. What coordinates would represent her work?

To find the coordinates representing Amaya's work, we need to determine the number of letters she sorted per minute.

Amaya sorted 45 letters in 15 minutes, so she sorted 45/15 = 3 letters per minute.

After a total of 30 minutes, Amaya sorted 90 letters, so she sorted 90/30 = 3 letters per minute.

Therefore, the coordinates representing Amaya's work would be (30, 90).

To find the coordinates representing Amaya's work, we can use the concept of rate of work.

The rate of work is calculated by dividing the number of letters by the time taken. In this case, Amaya sorted 45 letters in 15 minutes, so her rate of work is:

Rate of work = Number of letters / Time taken
Rate of work = 45 letters / 15 minutes
Rate of work = 3 letters per minute

Now, let's calculate the total number of letters Amaya sorted in 30 minutes using her rate of work:

Total letters sorted = Rate of work x Time taken
Total letters sorted = 3 letters per minute x 30 minutes
Total letters sorted = 90 letters

So, the coordinates representing Amaya's work would be (30, 90) since she sorted 90 letters in 30 minutes.

To find the coordinates that represent Amaya's work, we need to determine how many letters she sorted per minute.

We know that in the first 15 minutes, Amaya sorted 45 letters. This means she sorted 45/15 = 3 letters per minute.

After a total of 30 minutes, she has sorted 90 letters. So in the next 15 minutes (from minute 16 to 30), she sorted 90 - 45 = 45 letters.

This means Amaya sorted an additional 45 letters in 15 minutes, or 45/15 = 3 letters per minute.

Therefore, her work can be represented by the coordinates (3 letters/minute, 30 minutes).