Illustrate a scene of two postal delivery workers embarking on their daily routes from a post office. The workers are South Asian and Hispanic females. They each navigate through different neighborhood paths, which are clearly distinct, filled with different houses, trees, and roads. This results in them having separate routes, distances, and speeds. Eventually, their paths lead them back to the post office, their starting point. Make sure that the image contains no text.

Two postal delivery workers have different routes. They both travel from the post office, to neighborhoods to deliver mail, and then back to the post office. Which statement must be true about the two postal delivery workers?

• They each travel a distance of 0 miles.
• They travel the same distance.
• They each have a displacement of 0 miles.
• They have the same velocity.

1. Two postal delivery workers have different routes. They both travel from the post office, to neighborhoods to deliver mail, and then back to the post office. Which statement must be true about the two postal delivery workers?

They each have a displacement of 0 miles.

2. Matt is walking at 1.25 miles per hour to the east. Jaime is walking at 1.25 miles per hour to the south. Which statement describes the movement of Matt and Jaime?

They have the same speed but different velocities.

3. Which statement correctly compares his motion during the first 10 minutes to his motion during the last 10 minutes?

He is going faster and in a different direction during the first 10 minutes than in the last 10 minutes.

4. What does a horizontal line on a position-time graph indicate about the object?

The object remains still.

5. A box is against a wall. A person pushes on the box, but the box does not move. Is this situation an example of a force?

Yes, this is an example of a force because a force is a push or pull.

6. Which situation describes a non-contact force changing the speed of an object?

a ball accelerating as it rolls down a hill

7. In which situation would the momentum of a moving object increase?

A force acting in the direction opposite the object’s motion is removed from the object.

8. In this pulley system, the pulleys will _____ the mechanical force required to lift the block and will change the _____.

decrease; direction of the force

9. Open ended question. Do your best!

Ziri had 2334509 hp

Celeste dealt 322,509 how much hp does with have left

Well, considering they both start at the post office and end at the post office, we can safely assume that each worker has a displacement of 0 miles. So, the statement "They each have a displacement of 0 miles" must be true. But don't worry, they still get their steps in delivering all that mail!

The statement that must be true about the two postal delivery workers is that they travel the same distance.

The statement that must be true about the two postal delivery workers is that they have the same displacement of 0 miles. Displacement refers to the change in position from the starting point to the ending point, regardless of the actual distance traveled. Since they both start and end at the post office, their displacement would be 0 miles.

To determine which statement must be true about the two postal delivery workers, let's analyze the given information and the concepts involved.

Distance refers to the total path traveled, regardless of direction, while displacement is the change in position from the starting point to the endpoint. Velocity, on the other hand, is the rate of change of displacement.

Since the postal delivery workers have different routes, it is unlikely that they will travel the same distance or have the same displacement. Therefore, the statement "They travel the same distance" cannot be concluded. Similarly, we cannot assume that they have the same velocity since their routes are different.

However, we can conclude that both postal delivery workers must have a displacement of 0 miles because they start and end at the same point, the post office. This is because displacement is a vector quantity that takes into account the change in position, which in this case is zero.

Therefore, the statement that must be true about the two postal delivery workers is "They each have a displacement of 0 miles."