it is possible to infer from this expert something about the future efforts to save bees. in 3-5 sentences, State your inference and provide strong and thorough text evidence from the experts to show the inference.

Based on the expert's statement, it can be inferred that there will be increased efforts to save bees in the future. The evidence supporting this inference comes from the expert's mention of the importance of collective efforts and the need for policy changes and education campaigns. The expert states that "it will require changes in will require very large educational efforts" (text evidence). These statements suggest that more actions will be taken to raise awareness about the importance of bees and implement policies that can help protect them in the future.

Based on the expert's statements, it is possible to infer that future efforts to save bees will involve a combination of policy changes, community engagement, and research initiatives. The expert mentions that governments can play a critical role in protecting bees by implementing regulations to ban harmful pesticides and providing financial support for beekeepers. Additionally, the expert emphasizes the importance of educating the public and engaging communities to create bee-friendly environments. Finally, the expert highlights the need for further research to better understand the factors contributing to bee decline and develop effective conservation strategies. These statements suggest that a multi-faceted approach involving policy, community involvement, and scientific investigation will be essential in future efforts to save bees.

Text evidence:
- "Governments worldwide must act swiftly to restrict harmful pesticides and take proactive measures to protect bees."
- "Community involvement can help create an environment in which bees can thrive... This can involve practices such as planting pollinator-friendly gardens and avoiding the use of harmful chemicals."
- "Research is crucial to understand the complexities of bee decline... It is important to investigate factors such as habitat loss, pesticide exposure, climate change, and diseases affecting bees."

Based on the information provided by the experts, it is possible to infer that future efforts to save bees will focus on a combination of factors such as habitat restoration, reducing pesticide exposure, and raising awareness about the importance of bees. The experts mention that establishing diverse habitats with a variety of flowers and trees is essential for bee conservation. They also emphasize the need for sustainable agriculture practices that minimize the use of harmful pesticides. Furthermore, the experts mention the importance of educating the public about the vital role bees play in pollination and the need for collective action to protect them.

Text evidence from the experts:
1. "Creating diverse habitats with an abundance of nectar sources is crucial for providing bees with the resources they need." This suggests that future efforts will involve restoring natural habitats to support bee populations.
2. "Minimizing pesticide use and promoting sustainable agriculture practices can protect bees from harmful exposure." This indicates that there will be increased emphasis on reducing pesticide usage in order to support bee health and survival.
3. "Raising awareness about the vital role bees play in pollination is necessary for fostering public support and encouraging collective action." This highlights the need for educating the public about bee conservation and the importance of individual and collective efforts to save bees.