Which of the following statements shows one way historians would assess the effect of José Gutiérrez de Lara’s actions on the Mexican War for Independence?(1 point)


By acting as a spy for Spain, he destroyed attempts for Mexican independence.
By acting as a spy for Spain, he destroyed attempts for Mexican independence.

His heroism and leadership were a turning point for Mexican independence.
His heroism and leadership were a turning point for Mexican independence.

He successfully unified rebels against Spain and helped win the Battle

1. Divisions between him and other Texas leaders caused rebels to lose the Battle of Medina.

2. The U.S. agreed to be their ally and provided money and supplies as support.

3. Spanish victory

4. Political decisions made by the Mexican government caused a mixture of support and challenge from Anglo-American settlers.

5. a federalist government with three branches of government

these are the correct answers in 2023

of Medina.

He successfully unified rebels against Spain and helped win the Battle of Medina.

introduction, body, conclusion

Which of the following statements shows one way historians would assess the effect of José Gutiérrez de Lara’s actions on the Mexican War for Independence?(1 point)


By acting as a spy for Spain, he destroyed attempts for Mexican independence.
By acting as a spy for Spain, he destroyed attempts for Mexican independence.

His heroism and leadership were a turning point for Mexican independence.
His heroism and leadership were a turning point for Mexican independence.

He successfully unified rebels against Spain and helped win the Battle

of Medina.

He successfully unified rebels against Spain and helped win the Battle of Medina.

Which choice shows the correct organization of an essay?

body, introduction, conclusion
conclusion, introduction, body
introduction, body, conclusion
conclusion, body, introduction

Which topic should appear in a conclusion?

the ideas you want your readers to remember
an introduction to your main ideas
reasons and examples supporting your main ideas
a transition to your next ideas on the topic

the ideas you want your readers to remember

Which sentence could appear in a conclusion?

The program involved a variety of adults of different ages.
As the evidence shows, moderate exercise can be beneficial to good health.
The study showed a 10 percent increase in cardiac capacity.
Is moderate exercise just as beneficial as intense exercise?

As the evidence shows, moderate exercise can be beneficial to good health.