Everyone is excited for the pep rally. Katie and Jill are in charge of blowing up the balloons, her least favorite task. They hate how the balloons have to be completely full or it won't float. On the other side of the gym, Sam is practicing the cheer routine. If she doesn't practice, you could embarrass yourself. The last to arrive are Brynn and Avery with the shirts to give away. As long as everyone does her part, the pep rally will be a success

and the school spirit will be at an all-time high.

To ensure a successful pep rally, it's important for everyone to do their part. Here are the steps involved:

1. Katie and Jill should start by blowing up the balloons:
a. Gather all the necessary materials, including the balloons and an air pump.
b. Inflate each balloon fully to ensure it will float.
c. Tie a knot at the end of each balloon to secure it.

2. Meanwhile, on the other side of the gym, Sam should focus on practicing the cheer routine:
a. Set aside enough time for regular practice sessions.
b. Follow the routine carefully, paying attention to specific moves and timing.
c. Practice consistently to improve coordination and memorization.

3. Brynn and Avery need to bring the shirts for the giveaway:
a. Ensure the shirts are neatly folded and packed in a bag for easy transport.
b. Double-check that all the required shirts are present.
c. Arrive at the pep rally on time to distribute the shirts to the attendees.

By following these steps, everyone will contribute to the success of the pep rally.

It seems like everyone has specific tasks that they need to complete to make the pep rally a success. Let's break it down:

1. Katie and Jill are in charge of blowing up the balloons. They mention that it's their least favorite task and that the balloons have to be completely full or they won't float. To ensure they do their part, they need to make sure they fully inflate each balloon.

2. Sam is practicing the cheer routine. It is implied that if she doesn't practice, she could embarrass herself. To fulfill her role, she needs to devote time and effort to practicing the cheer routine, ensuring that she knows the routine well and can perform it confidently during the pep rally.

3. Brynn and Avery are responsible for bringing the shirts to give away. Their arrival was mentioned as being the last, which implies that they need to make sure they bring the shirts on time. They should double-check that they have the shirts ready to distribute before the pep rally begins.

By making sure everyone does her part and fulfills their responsibilities, the pep rally is more likely to be a success. Each individual needs to understand their task and take the necessary steps to accomplish it.