Which sentence could appear in a conclusion

A. As the evidence shows, moderate exercise, can be beneficial to good health.
B. The study show 10% increase in cardiac capacity.
C. Is moderate exercise as beneficial as intense exercise.
D. The program involved variety of adults of different ages.

A. As the evidence shows, moderate exercise can be beneficial to good health.

A. As the evidence shows, moderate exercise can be beneficial to good health.

To determine which sentence could appear in a conclusion, let's analyze the options:

A. "As the evidence shows, moderate exercise can be beneficial to good health." - This sentence is a suitable option for a conclusion. It summarizes the main point and is supported by evidence.

B. "The study shows a 10% increase in cardiac capacity." - This sentence is more like a supporting detail or result of a study rather than a conclusion. It provides a specific finding but does not wrap up the overall argument.

C. "Is moderate exercise as beneficial as intense exercise?" - This sentence seems more like a research question or a statement that introduces a new topic. It does not form a conclusive statement.

D. "The program involved a variety of adults of different ages." - This sentence provides information but doesn't summarize or conclude any main points.

Therefore, option A, "As the evidence shows, moderate exercise can be beneficial to good health," is likely the sentence that could appear in a conclusion based on the given options.