You know these facts about a region: Ninety percent of the region's population lives in cities full of coal- burning factoriesa wid deep river connects those cities; the population is highly educated and includes a low percentage of foreign-born residents. Which of the following would be a reasonable inference about this region? (1 point)

Agriculture is a major economic activity

Air and water pollution are probably major environmental problems in the region

Poverty is probably widespread

The population is probably aging

Given the facts provided, the most reasonable inference about this region would be:

Air and water pollution are probably major environmental problems in the region.

The presence of coal-burning factories in cities suggests that there is likely pollution from the industries in the region. Additionally, the deep river connecting the cities may carry pollution from these factories, leading to both air and water pollution as major environmental problems in the region.

Based on the given facts about the region, a reasonable inference would be: Air and water pollution are probably major environmental problems in the region.

To make a reasonable inference about the region based on the given facts, we can analyze each option:

1. Agriculture is a major economic activity: We know that 90% of the region's population lives in cities full of coal-burning factories. This suggests that the region is heavily industrialized, which may indicate that agriculture is not a major economic activity.

2. Air and water pollution are probably major environmental problems in the region: Given the information that the cities in the region have coal-burning factories, it is likely that air and water pollution are major environmental problems. The factories are likely releasing pollutants into the air and nearby river, contributing to pollution.

3. Poverty is probably widespread: The facts provided do not give any indication about poverty in the region. It is not possible to make a reasonable inference about the prevalence of poverty based on the given information.

4. The population is probably aging: The information provided does not give any direct indication of the population's age. It only mentions that the population is highly educated and has a low percentage of foreign-born residents. Therefore, it is not reasonable to infer that the population is probably aging.

Considering these options, the most reasonable inference about the region would be that air and water pollution are probably major environmental problems in the region.