You know these facts about a region: Ninety percent of the region's population lives in cities full of coal- burning factoriesa wid deep river connects those cities; the population is highly educated and includes a low percentage of foreign-born residents. Which of the following would be a reasonable inference about this region? (1 point) Agriculture is a major economic activity Air and water pollution are probably major environmental problems in the region Poverty is probably widespread The population is probably aging

Based on the given facts, a reasonable inference about this region would be that air and water pollution are probably major environmental problems in the region.

Based on the given facts, a reasonable inference about this region would be that air and water pollution are probably major environmental problems in the region. This is because ninety percent of the region's population lives in cities with coal-burning factories, which are known to contribute to air and water pollution.

Based on the provided facts, a reasonable inference about the region would be that "Air and water pollution are probably major environmental problems in the region."

Here's the explanation:
- Ninety percent of the region's population lives in cities full of coal-burning factories. This suggests that industrial activities in the region might be heavily dependent on coal, which is known to be a significant contributor to air pollution.
- A wide, deep river connects those cities. This indicates that the region likely relies on the river for various purposes, such as transportation, industrial activities, and potentially as a water source. Rivers can easily become polluted due to industrial waste and run-off, leading to water pollution concerns.
- The population is highly educated and includes a low percentage of foreign-born residents. Typically, a highly educated population might be more aware of environmental issues and therefore more likely to prioritize addressing air and water pollution. Additionally, a low percentage of foreign-born residents suggests that the pollution problems might be primarily caused by local industries rather than an influx of foreign industrial practices.

Given these facts, it is reasonable to infer that air and water pollution are likely major environmental problems in the region. Agriculture being a major economic activity, widespread poverty, or an aging population cannot be accurately inferred from the given information.