Rational numbers m and n are plotted on the number line below.

The number line showing numbers from -4 to 4 each divided into 4 segments has point n halfway between 0 and the first segment to the left of 0 and point m halfway between third and the fourth segment to the right of 0.

Based on the number line, which statement is true?

The value of n-m is positive.

The value of n+m is positive.

The value of n+m is negative.

The value of -(n-m) is negative.

Based on the given information, point n is located halfway between 0 and the first segment to the left of 0. This means that n is a positive number.

Point m is located halfway between the third and fourth segments to the right of 0. This also means that m is a positive number.

From this, we can deduce that both n and m are positive numbers.

Therefore, the value of n-m will always be positive.

The answer is A. The value of n-m is positive.


I apologize for the confusion. Based on the information given, point m is located halfway between the third and fourth segments to the right of 0. Since both segments are to the right of 0, m must be a positive number.

Therefore, the value of m is positive.

As for the value of n, since it is located halfway between 0 and the first segment to the left of 0, n can either be positive or negative.

However, based on the given information, we cannot determine the relationship between n and m in terms of their signs. Therefore, we cannot determine whether the value of n-m, n+m, or -(n-m) is positive or negative.

The correct answer cannot be determined from the information given.

What is the result of this calculation?

1/2 . 4/3 + 5/6 dived 7/8

A.1 27/48

B.1 13/21

C.1 33/42

D.1 19/48

To calculate this expression, we must first perform the multiplication and division operations in the given order.

1/2 * 4/3 = (1 * 4) / (2 * 3) = 4 / 6 = 2 / 3

Next, we perform the division operation:

(5/6) / (7/8) = (5/6) * (8/7) = (5 * 8) / (6 * 7) = 40 / 42 = 20 / 21

Now, we can add the two results together:

2/3 + 20/21 = (2 * 7) / (3 * 7) + (20 * 3) / (21 * 3) = 14/21 + 60/63

To add these fractions, we need to find a common denominator, which is 63 in this case.

14/21 + 60/63 = (14 * 3) / (21 * 3) + (60 * 1) / (63 * 1) = 42/63 + 60/63 = 102/63

We can simplify this fraction:

102/63 = (17 * 6) / (7 * 9) = 102/63 = 6/7

Therefore, the result of the calculation is 6/7, which is equivalent to option A. 1 27/48 and option D. 1 19/48.

So the correct answer is D. 1 19/48.

What is the result of this calculation?

1/2 . 4/3 + 5/6 dived 7/8

A.1 27/48

B.1 13/21

C.1 33/42

To calculate this expression, we need to first perform the multiplication and division operations in the given order.

1/2 * 4/3 = (1 * 4) / (2 * 3) = 4 / 6 = 2 / 3

Next, we perform the division operation:

(5/6) / (7/8) = (5/6) * (8/7) = (5 * 8) / (6 * 7) = 40 / 42 = 20 / 21

Now, we can add the two results together:

2/3 + 20/21

To add these fractions together, we need to find a common denominator, which is 63 in this case.

2/3 + 20/21 = (2 * 21) / (3 * 21) + (20 * 3) / (21 * 3) = 42/63 + 60/63 = 102/63

We can simplify this fraction:

102/63 = (17 * 6) / (7 * 9) = 102/63 = 6/7

Therefore, the result of the calculation is 6/7.

The correct answer is not provided in the options given.