Pedro Pascual has played all of the characters below, except?

A bounty hunter
A drug enforcement agent
An apocalypse survivor
A rebel leader on a space ship
A vengeful prince

Pedro Pascual has played all of the characters listed above.

Pedro Pascual has played all of the characters listed below except a vengeful prince.

To determine the character Pedro Pascual has not played among the options provided, you can logically eliminate each character one by one.

First, check if Pedro Pascual has played a character who is a bounty hunter. Search for Pedro Pascual's filmography or television credits to see if he has appeared in any projects where he played a bounty hunter. If he has played a bounty hunter, then this cannot be the correct answer. If there is no evidence of him playing a bounty hunter, then you can eliminate this option as the correct answer.

Next, repeat the same process for each of the other characters, such as a drug enforcement agent, an apocalypse survivor, a rebel leader on a space ship, and a vengeful prince. Research Pedro Pascual's acting roles and determine whether he has played any of these characters. If he has played any of them, eliminate those options as the correct answer, and if there is no evidence of him playing a character from any of the remaining options, then you have found the answer.

Performing a thorough search for Pedro Pascual's filmography or checking credible sources, such as IMDb or official websites, will provide you with the necessary information to identify the character he has not played among the given options.