Sir Edmund Andros make a frayer model

Sir Edmund Andros

- Sir Edmund Andros was an English colonial administrator who served as the governor of the Dominion of New England from 1686 to 1689.

- Authoritarian: Andros ruled with an iron fist, disregarding the previously established laws and implementing strict policies without consulting the local colonial governments.
- Unpopular: His autocratic rule and disregard for colonial rights earned him widespread resentment and led to multiple uprisings against his administration.
- Consolidation of Power: Andros aimed to strengthen royal authority in the colonies through centralized governance. He dissolved local assemblies and consolidated the colonies under a single jurisdiction.
- Suppression of Religious Freedom: Andros heavily favored the Church of England and sought to suppress other religious groups, often leading to religious intolerance and restrictions on freedom of worship.
- Connection to King James II: Andros was seen as a loyal servant of King James II and carried out his policies in the colonies, further contributing to his unpopularity.

- Glorious Revolution: Andros' unpopular rule played a significant role in triggering the Glorious Revolution in England. The colonists' resistance against his administration helped pave the way for the overthrow of King James II and the establishment of a more democratic government in England.
- Legacy of Colonial Resistance: The resistance against Andros' governance exemplified the colonists' determination to protect their rights and liberties. It served as a precursor to later movements, including the American Revolution, where similar arguments for self-governance and protection of rights were made.
- Redesign of Colonial Governments: Andros' rule contributed to a reevaluation of the English colonial policies, leading to the dismantling of the Dominion of New England and the establishment of separate colonial governments with more autonomy.

- "Edmund Andros.", A&E Television Networks, 5 Feb. 2010,
- Middlekauff, Robert. The Glorious Cause: The American Revolution, 1763-1789. Oxford University Press, 2005.

To create a Frayer Model for Sir Edmund Andros, follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw a large square or rectangle in the center of a piece of paper or on a digital document. This will serve as the main frame for your Frayer Model.

Step 2: Divide the frame into four equal sections by drawing two vertical lines and two horizontal lines inside it.

Step 3: Write the term "Sir Edmund Andros" inside the top section, which is the main concept or term being explored in the Frayer Model.

Step 4: In the top left section, label it as "Definition" and write a brief description of who Sir Edmund Andros was. For example, you can write: "Sir Edmund Andros was an English colonial governor who served in the Dominion of New England during the late 17th century."

Step 5: In the top right section, label it as "Characteristics" and list a few key traits or attributes of Sir Edmund Andros. Some possible characteristics could include: "strict rule, authoritarian, unpopular policies, imposition of taxes, consolidation of power."

Step 6: In the bottom left section, label it as "Examples" and provide historical events or instances that exemplify the actions or impact of Sir Edmund Andros. You can mention the revocation of Colonial charters and the restrictions on trade and religious freedom, which were factors that led to his unpopularity.

Step 7: In the bottom right section, label it as "Non-Examples" and list examples that are not associated with Sir Edmund Andros or contradict his actions or impact. For instance, you can mention other colonial governors who were known for promoting civil liberties or governors who respected the rights of the colonial population.

Step 8: Optional: Include any relevant images, symbols, or illustrations that can further enhance the Frayer Model.

Remember, the Frayer Model is a versatile graphic organizer that aims to deepen understanding and categorize information. You can customize it according to your needs and adapt it to other historical figures or concepts as well.

To create a Frayer Model about Sir Edmund Andros, follow these steps:

1. Draw a large square in the center of a blank sheet of paper or use a graphic organizer tool on your computer.
2. Write "Sir Edmund Andros" in the center of the square. This will be the focus of your Frayer Model.
3. Divide the paper into four quadrants by drawing two lines through the center square, creating a cross shape.
4. Label the top left quadrant as "Definition" or "What is known."
5. In this quadrant, write a brief definition or description of Sir Edmund Andros based on your knowledge or initial research. Include key details such as his role and accomplishments.
6. Label the top right quadrant as "Characteristics" or "Attributes."
7. In this quadrant, list the notable characteristics or qualities of Sir Edmund Andros. Include information such as his personality traits, leadership style, and notable actions.
8. Label the bottom left quadrant as "Examples" or "Evidence."
9. In this quadrant, provide specific examples or evidence to support the information mentioned in the previous quadrants. Include references to historical events or primary sources that showcase Sir Edmund Andros's actions or impact.
10. Label the bottom right quadrant as "Non-examples" or "Contrasts."
11. In this quadrant, list individuals or events that contrast with Sir Edmund Andros. This could include other historical figures who had different perspectives, opposing actions, or conflicting ideologies to provide a balanced view.
12. Add any additional information or details that you find significant or interesting around the central square or in the margins.

Remember, a Frayer Model is a graphic organizer that helps you explore a concept or person in detail by analyzing its definition, characteristics, examples, and non-examples.