Read the following sentence.

Jack's words burned Anna and she cried for days.

Which of following best explains what happened when "Jack's words burned Anna"?
Jack yelled at Anna.

Jack's words hurt Anna's feelings.

Jack's words set fire to Anna.

Jack no longer wanted to be friends with Anna.

B. Jack's words hurt Anna's feelings.

The best explanation for what happened when "Jack's words burned Anna" is B. Jack's words hurt Anna's feelings.

To determine the correct answer, we need to analyze the sentence and understand its meaning. In the sentence, it says "Jack's words burned Anna." This phrase is a figurative expression, meaning that Jack's words had a profound negative impact on Anna.

Now let's examine the given options:

A. Jack yelled at Anna: Although yelling could be hurtful, the sentence does not mention that Jack yelled specifically. Additionally, burning usually refers to emotional pain rather than physical pain, so this option does not accurately describe the situation.

B. Jack's words hurt Anna's feelings: This option accurately captures the meaning of the sentence. The phrase "Jack's words burned Anna" implies that Anna was deeply hurt by what Jack said. Therefore, option B is the most appropriate choice.

C. Jack's words set fire to Anna: This option is not a logical interpretation of the sentence. When it says "Jack's words burned Anna," it is a metaphorical statement, not a literal one. It means that Jack's words caused emotional pain, not that they physically set Anna on fire.

D. Jack no longer wanted to be friends with Anna: This option is not supported by the information given in the sentence. While it is possible that Jack's words could end a friendship, the sentence does not specifically mention this outcome.

In conclusion, the best explanation for what happened when "Jack's words burned Anna" is B. Jack's words hurt Anna's feelings.