Natasha and George were asked to find the quote to the decimal division problem, 18.8÷1.6 Natasha says her answer is 11.75 George says his answer is 1.175 who is correct Natasha or George explain how you know who is correct include in your explanation, at least one possible for the students who was incorrect made

To determine who is correct between Natasha and George, let's perform the division calculation 18.8 ÷ 1.6:

18.8 ÷ 1.6 = 11.75

Upon performing the actual calculation, we find that Natasha's answer of 11.75 is correct, but not George's answer of 1.175.

Possible explanation for who is incorrect:
George likely made an error while moving the decimal point in the division calculation. He might have mistakenly placed the decimal point before the second digit of the quotient instead of after it. This is evident from his answer of 1.175, which is incorrect.

Therefore, Natasha is correct in stating that the answer to the decimal division problem, 18.8 ÷ 1.6, is 11.75.

To determine who is correct between Natasha and George, we can perform the actual decimal division calculation.

First, let's calculate 18.8 ÷ 1.6:

The rule for decimal division is to shift the decimal point of the divisor (1.6) to the right until it becomes a whole number. Simultaneously, we should shift the decimal point of the dividend (18.8) by the same number of places to the right.

Therefore, if we multiply both the dividend and divisor by 10, we get:

188 ÷ 16

Now, let's perform the division:

11 remainder 12
16 | 188
- 16
- 16

The quotient, or answer, is 11.75 (with the remainder 12 over the divisor 16).

Comparing this to the student answers, we can see that Natasha's answer of 11.75 matches the correct result, while George's answer of 1.175 is incorrect.

Possible mistake made by George:
George may have mistakenly placed the decimal point one position to the left when shifting. Instead of dividing by 1.6, he may have divided by 16, leading to the incorrect answer of 1.175.

In conclusion, Natasha is correct with her answer of 11.75, while George made an error and arrived at an incorrect answer of 1.175.

To determine who is correct between Natasha and George for the decimal division problem 18.8÷1.6, we need to perform the actual calculation to find the accurate quotient.

To divide decimals, you can follow these steps:
1. Align the decimal point in the dividend (the number being divided) and the divisor (the number you are dividing by).
In this case, the dividend is 18.8 and the divisor is 1.6. Align the decimal points as shown:
÷ 1.6

2. Next, ignore the decimals and perform the division as if you are dividing whole numbers.
Divide 188 by 16. Since 16 can go into 188 eleven times (11 x 16 = 176), write 11 on top as the whole number part of the quotient.

16 ) 188

3. Multiply the divisor (1.6) by the quotient (11) and subtract it from the dividend (changing the subtraction into addition since we are working with negatives now). Bring down the decimal point from the dividend.
Multiply 1.6 by 11 to get 17.6.
Subtract 17.6 from 18.8 to get 1.2.

11. 9
16 ) 188
- 176

4. Now, bring down the next digit from the dividend (0), and place it after the remainder (12), to have 120.

11. 75
16 ) 188
- 176

5. Perform the division again, dividing 120 by 16.
Divide 120 by 16. The result is 7.5.

11. 75
16 ) 188
- 176
- 112

6. Repeat step 4 and bring down the next digit from the dividend, which is 0.

11. 75
16 ) 188
- 176
- 112
- 80

7. There are no more digits left in the dividend, so the division is complete.
The final quotient for 18.8÷1.6 is 11.75.

Therefore, Natasha is incorrect in claiming that the answer to the problem is 11.75. George is correct in saying that the answer is 1.175. Natasha made a mistake by not moving the decimal point correctly when bringing down the next digit from the dividend.