Which option describes elaboration?

A. writing more words to lengthen the text

B. organizing the text in a way that makes it easy to understand

C. cutting out unnecessary information

D. adding details to tell more about a topic

D. adding details to tell more about a topic

The option that describes elaboration is D. adding details to tell more about a topic.

The option that describes elaboration is D. adding details to tell more about a topic.

Elaboration refers to the act of providing additional information or details to expand on a specific topic or idea. It involves adding more content to provide a deeper understanding or explanation of the subject matter.

To determine the correct answer, it is important to understand the definitions of the other options as well:

A. Writing more words to lengthen the text refers to the act of adding unnecessary content or fluff to a piece of writing without actually providing meaningful information. This does not directly relate to elaboration.

B. Organizing the text in a way that makes it easy to understand refers to the concept of arranging information in a logical and coherent manner so that it is easily comprehensible. While organization is an essential aspect of effective writing, it may not necessarily involve adding more details.

C. Cutting out unnecessary information refers to the act of removing irrelevant or superfluous content from a piece of writing. This is done to streamline the text and make it more concise, but it does not involve the addition of details.

Therefore, option D, adding details to tell more about a topic, is the most accurate description of elaboration.