Which option explains how to verify the meaning of an unknown word? (1 point)

• look up an antonym in a thesaurus
• find the word in another sentence
• use the word in a new sentence
• look up the definition in a dictionary

The correct option is: look up the definition in a dictionary

To verify the meaning of an unknown word, you can follow these steps:

1. Look up the definition in a dictionary.
2. Find the word in another sentence to see how it is used in context.
3. Use the word in a new sentence to test your understanding of its meaning.
4. Additionally, you can also look up an antonym in a thesaurus to further clarify the word's meaning.

However, it is important to note that the most reliable and direct option for verifying the meaning of an unknown word is to look up the definition in a dictionary.

The option that explains how to verify the meaning of an unknown word is: "look up the definition in a dictionary".

When encountering an unfamiliar word, a dictionary is a reliable resource to consult for its definition. By using a dictionary, you can find the precise meaning, synonyms, antonyms, usage examples, and sometimes even etymology (word origin) of the word. This helps to ensure that you fully understand the intended meaning of the word in the given context.