What invention most increased the influence of films in culture and society in the twentieth century?

A the innovation of sound
B the addition of newsreels
C the cinematography
D the creation of feature-length films

A the innovation of sound

A: The invention that most increased the influence of films in culture and society in the twentieth century was the innovation of sound.

The correct answer is A) the innovation of sound. To find this answer, we need to consider the impact of each option listed.

Option B) the addition of newsreels: Newsreels were short documentary films shown in cinemas before the main feature film. While newsreels certainly played a role in shaping public opinion and informing the audience about current events, their influence in terms of enhancing the overall influence of films in culture and society was not as significant as some other advancements.

Option C) cinematography: Cinematography refers to the art and technique of film photography. While advancements in cinematography certainly contributed to the visual appeal and artistic quality of films, it did not have as direct of an impact on the influence of films in culture and society as the other options listed.

Option D) the creation of feature-length films: Feature-length films, which typically run for 60 minutes or longer, were a major advancement in the early days of cinema. They allowed for more complex storytelling and immersive experiences. However, feature-length films alone did not have as transformative of an effect on the influence of films in culture and society as the last option.

Option A) the innovation of sound: This option refers to the introduction of synchronized sound in films, commonly known as "talkies." Before the innovation of sound, films were silent and accompanied by live music or sound effects. The introduction of synchronized sound revolutionized the film industry, as it allowed for dialogues, songs, and other sound effects to be incorporated directly into the films. This innovation greatly enhanced the emotional impact and storytelling capabilities of films, making them more engaging and relatable to a wider audience. The innovation of sound in films allowed for a more immersive experience, and it significantly increased the influence of films in culture and society during the twentieth century.

Therefore, the invention that most increased the influence of films in culture and society in the twentieth century is A) the innovation of sound.