What invention most increased the influence of films on culture and society in the twentieth century? (1 point)

A. the creation of feature-length films

B.the cinematograph

C.the addition of newsreels

D.the innovation of sound

D. the innovation of sound

The invention that most increased the influence of films on culture and society in the twentieth century was D. the innovation of sound.

To determine the invention that most increased the influence of films on culture and society in the twentieth century, we can analyze each option.

A. The creation of feature-length films: Feature-length films, which are movies that have a running time of at least 60 minutes, certainly had a substantial impact on the film industry. However, they were not exclusive to the twentieth century and did not significantly alter the influence of films on culture and society. Therefore, this option is unlikely to be the correct answer.

B. The cinematograph: The cinematograph, invented by the Lumière brothers in 1895, was capable of capturing, processing, and projecting motion pictures. While the cinematograph facilitated the spread and accessibility of films, it was not limited to the twentieth century. As a result, the cinematograph is not the most likely answer to the question.

C. The addition of newsreels: Newsreels were short films that featured current news, events, and highlights. Although newsreels were introduced in the early 20th century and significantly contributed to the cultural and societal impact of films, they were not as influential as some other advancements in the field.

D. The innovation of sound: The introduction of sound to films revolutionized the industry and greatly increased its cultural and societal influence. The release of "The Jazz Singer" in 1927, which was the first widely successful feature film with synchronized dialogue, marked a significant turning point. From that moment on, sound became a standard feature in movies, allowing for enhanced storytelling, dialogue, and immersive experiences. The innovation of sound in film is widely regarded as the most transformative advancement in the early twentieth century.

Therefore, the most accurate answer is D. the innovation of sound.