Articles in the journal of nonverbal behavior

1. "The Role of Nonverbal Behavior in Deception Detection" by Vrij, Aldert, and Granhag, Par Anders

2. "Nonverbal Behavior and Leadership Effectiveness" by Bono, Joyce E., and Anderson, Michael H.

3. "The Influence of Nonverbal Behavior on First Impressions" by Ambady, Nalini, and Rosenthal, Robert.

4. "Nonverbal Communication and Emotional Expression" by Fridlund, Alan J.

5. "Cross-Cultural Differences in Nonverbal Behavior" by Elfenbein, Hillary Anger, and Ambady, Nalini.

6. "Nonverbal Behavior in Romantic Relationships" by Guerrero, Laura K., and Andersen, Peter A.

7. "The Role of Nonverbal Behavior in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution" by Kray, Laura J., and Haselhuhn, Michael P.

8. "Nonverbal Behavior and Social Influence" by Hareli, Shlomo, and Hess, Ursula.

9. "Nonverbal Behavior in Interpersonal Attraction" by Burgoon, Judee K., Buller, David B., and Woodall, W. Gill.

10. "The Impact of Nonverbal Behavior on Job Interview Outcomes" by Roulin, Nicolas, Bangerter, Adrian, and Levashina, Julia.

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4. If you are interested in a specific topic, you can use the search bar located at the top of the page. Enter keywords related to your topic of interest, such as "body language" or "nonverbal communication," and click the search icon.

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To find articles in the Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by opening your preferred web browser.

2. In the search bar, type "Journal of Nonverbal Behavior" and press Enter. This will populate search results related to the journal.

3. Look for the official website of the Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. It is typically the top result in the search.

4. Click on the website link to access the official journal page.

5. Once you are on the journal's website, look for a section called "Articles," "Current Issue," or something similar. This section typically provides access to the latest research articles published in the journal.

6. Click on the relevant section to view the list of articles published in the Journal of Nonverbal Behavior.

7. You may have options to search for articles by specific topics, authors, or publication dates. You can utilize these filters to narrow down your search and find articles that match your interests.

8. Once you find an article of interest, you may be required to pay a fee to access the full text, unless you have a subscription to the journal or access through an academic institution. Some articles may also be available for free as open access.

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