Which sentence demonstrates correct placement of an adverb modifying an objective?

She played the piano beautifully at the recital.

The correct placement of an adverb modifying an objective is shown in the following sentence:

"She carefully wrapped the gift."

To determine the correct placement of an adverb that modifies an objective, let's first understand what an adverb and an objective are.

An adverb is a word that adds more information to a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. It describes how, when, where, or to what extent an action is happening.

An objective is a noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb or completes the meaning of a transitive verb. It answers the question 'what?' or 'whom?' after the verb.

Now, to demonstrate correct placement of an adverb modifying an objective, consider the following sentence:

1. She completed the exam thoroughly.

In this sentence, the adverb "thoroughly" modifies the objective "exam" by providing information about how she completed it. The adverb is placed directly after the verb and before the objective. This placement clearly shows that the action of completing the exam was done thoroughly.

Therefore, the sentence "She completed the exam thoroughly" demonstrates the correct placement of an adverb modifying an objective.