Which sentence demonstrates correct placement of an adverb modifying an adjective? (1 point)

• The organized drawer made her smile perfectly.
O The energetic dog very barked.
• Never, the lost driver checked the map.
• The redwood tree was incredibly tall.

The sentence "The redwood tree was incredibly tall." demonstrates correct placement of an adverb modifying an adjective.

The sentence "The redwood tree was incredibly tall." demonstrates correct placement of an adverb modifying an adjective.

The sentence that demonstrates correct placement of an adverb modifying an adjective is:

"The redwood tree was incredibly tall."

To determine this, we first need to identify the adverb in the sentence. In this case, the adverb is "incredibly." We can see that it modifies the adjective "tall" by adding intensity or emphasis.

The adverb "incredibly" is correctly placed before the adjective "tall," making the sentence grammatically correct and conveying the intended meaning.